Nobody is thinking about you.

They Realy Don't.

Gm Titans,

Here's a reality check for today: Literally, nobody is thinking about you as much as you think. They're all too caught up in their own dramas.

You see, back in the day, I had this high-profile career, my life seemingly under a microscope. With a huge following on socials due to my work, I was extra cautious with everything – from business dealings to public speaking. I was obsessed with keeping my public image spotless. But let me tell you straight – it was all a bunch of nonsense.

I used to lose sleep over the smallest things – did I say something wrong, did I embarrass myself, could I have done better? Constantly worried about what others might think or say about me on social media.

But then, when I disappeared for a year, I faced a harsh truth. Nobody really cared. Despite my once buzzing social media presence, I got no calls, no messages. Initially, it hurt – realizing that outside my close family, no one seemed to bother. But then, it hit me – this was freedom. I finally understood who genuinely cared about me, and it was a much smaller circle than I thought.

And it was tough, my brothers and sisters, realizing this while still clinging to a poor mindset because I was sad at first. But it's also freeing. Once you understand that people are too busy with their stuff to constantly judge or obsess over you, you can truly start living. You can dress as you like, speak your mind, chase your dreams, and live your life without the constant weight of “What will others think?” The truth is, they're hardly thinking about you at all.

And even now, only a select few know my real identity. And guess what? Most are still judging – saying I've changed, that I'm chasing money over my previous successful career. All of it, complete bullshit.

This shift in perspective is a game-changer. It opens up a world where you can be yourself, take risks, and live authentically, without fear of judgment. You’ve got this one life, Titans. Don’t waste it worrying about an illusion that everyone’s scrutinizing your every move. They’re not. They’re on their path, as you are on yours.Now, It's your move. Are you just going to blend into the background, or are you going to step up, like I did, and carve out your own damn path? No scripts, no safety nets. Just you, taking charge of your story.

Zeus. 👊⚡️