I will never be a poor, broke, and weak man EVER again.

A Man Goes and Gets What He Wants.

Gm Titans,

Nobody is loyal to a man who spends his days complaining and arguing under comments on social media.

Nobody is loyal to a man who's always playing the victim.

Nobody is loyal to a man who's a sneaky rat at work, always gossiping and snitching, betraying trust instead of building it.

Nobody is loyal to a man who's a constant no-show, always bailing out at the last minute.

Nobody is loyal to a man who's a perpetual skeptic, always doubting and questioning loyalties without ever offering his own.

Nobody is loyal to a man who's a master of empty promises, full of grand words but never following through.

Nobody is loyal to a man who's constantly exhausted and irritable from overworking, only to come home and unload his frustrations onto his loved ones.

Nobody is loyal to a man who is lazy AF, too lazy to think for himself, too lazy to pick up new skills, too lazy to unlearn old ways, too lazy to change his habits, and too lazy to make his dreams a reality.

You wanna stop being poor, broke, and weak?

Stop being lazy.

I can almost hear your heartbeat racing, 'cause I'm damn sure this has hit a nerve. You're triggered, I know it. But here's the deal: we've been laying out nothing but hard truths since day one. Every single word, straight facts. And right now, I bet there are a few of you brewing up a storm in your heads, trying to come up with some excuse, some "Oh, what the hell is he talking about?" nonsense. Cut it out. That’s just your defense mechanism kicking in, trying to shield you from the uncomfortable truth. You're probably squirming, looking for a way to discredit what I'm saying, but deep down, you know it's hitting home.

Can you imagine for just one damn second if you stopped wasting your time?

That daily ritual of complaining about everything but changing nothing, living in a loop of frustration?

The evenings you spend dissecting every wrong in the world at the bar, yet never lifting a finger to contribute to any right?

The time you waste rewatching old films, bathing in nostalgia.

Those weekends you kill doing chores you could delegate, trapping yourself in a cycle of busywork.

Those aimless drives around town, pretending it's to clear your head, but really just burning time and fuel?

That habitual lunch at the same old fast-food joint, chewing not just the food but your aspirations away?

That weekend binge-watching marathon of Netflix shows you won't remember next week?

That 2-hour nap to feel pumped and energized to watch the "news"?

That Friday evening barbecue with those friends whom you absolutely hate?

Those Sunday afternoons you kill lounging on the couch, telling yourself you’re 'resting'.

Can you imagine for just one damn second if you stopped scrolling endlessly through social media, watching Joe Rogan's clips and conspiracy theories about aliens and the afterlife?

You know what?

You're exactly avoiding what you need to be doing. Let's face it RIGHT THIS SECOND.

Educate yourself. Yes, dive into crypto, understand how money really works. I promise you, your life will shift dramatically within months. This is the journey I've been on all year.

I took everything I thought I knew about money, education, investments, relationships, and lifestyle, and flipped it. I ditched every damn habit that was dragging me down, eating me up from the inside.

I threw myself into learning about crypto. Every single day was a new lesson, a new piece of the puzzle. I started from ground zero, built my portfolio from fucking ZERO.

A man goes and gets what he wants. And then sometimes realizes that he didn’t actually want it once he has it. But at least he knows now, right?

And that’s exactly where I’m at. I know now, more than ever, that I will never be a poor, broke, and weak man EVER again.Zeus. 👊⚡️